Our Story
Our mission at Lapa’au Farm is to care for the land in a respectable way that regenerates the soil life to create a healthy ecosystem that is diverse and all relations live in harmony together with us to grow nutrient-dense foods, medicine, and other products for our Hawaiian and global community.
CSA Produce Boxes
Please visit our website for more information.
Find Us Here
Come visit us at the Lipoa Street Market on Saturdays and the Wednesday Farmers Market in Kula!
CSA Produce Boxes
Please visit our CSA website for more information at www.lapaau.farm
Our Values
We focus on growing nutrient-rich foods and growing soil health and biology to create the most micronutrients from our soils to your mouths.
We had a dream of creating a permaculture farm that would be self-sustainable and would utilize waste resources around the island to grow food off of and help regenerate the ecosystem.
After we became very clear on our purpose and why statement, we found a 2.1-acre piece of land that was ideal for growing mushrooms and stone fruits and grapes, some of our favorite food and medicines.
We are at 3200 feet elevation in Olinda and are committed to bringing the highest quality mushrooms, stone fruits, grapes, and other products to this island to help create food security on Maui and heal people and the 'aina through mycoremediation.
We also work with children around the island to bring about awareness in the importance of caring for the 'aina and growing our own medicine and food to live in harmony with this island.